Wound-up on Wednesday!

Us, being good ....?

Oh boy! Have we been naughty. Not that we meant to be. Perhaps it’s Her really. We’ve just come in from a jolly jaunt around Codnor Reservoir. We think we’ve behaved pretty well – She doesn’t.

Apparently Gus stopped at EVERY Fisherman’s patch in search of food. Probably looking for bread, but seeing as most of them use maggots, She was not happy about that! Not only that, but he did HIS usual : stopping at EVERY blade of grass to snniiiiiifffff!

Bobby acted like he’d NEVER been out on a walk EVER (he’s like that everyday, so not much difference there then). She hopes that maybe one day, just one day he’ll act normal like!

And me, Fin, well ….. She thinks I might have Gall Bladder problems that’s why I keep stopping and waiting a few seconds before wanting to move on. She let me off the lead round the Reservoir so that I could amble at my own pace. Let myself down though, ‘cos I saw a SQUIRREL and of course, it needed chasing – Gall Bladder issues completely erased – I was a perky as perky could be!

So, here we are back home, trying to be nice, not that we think we need to be as we don’t think we’re in the wrong! Anyway, She’ll calm down soon, usually Wound-Up Wednesday’s work themselves into being Wine on Wednesday – roll on 5pm, She’ll be happy then.

RoooOOOooodles to you all


8 thoughts on “Wound-up on Wednesday!

  1. I am like Gus…I love sniffing every thing we encounter on the trail. My lady gets very frustrated because our walks are so choppy. She thinks we don’t get our proper exercise due to my sniffs! I mean, she just needs to stop and smell the roses…or grass, or trash can, or stick, or leaf….


    1. We’re soooOOoooo pleased to see that we’re just being normal ….. well normal for Scotties. We’ll sit Her down and teach her some stuff!

      Hope you have a great weekend Stuart, and your Peeps of course.

      Roooodles from Gus, Finlay & Bobby


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